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Introducing Claire…


After years spent in the wilderness of public sector temping, Claire swapped her office suits for a lab coat as a government-funded research scientist, working towards a doctorate. She was investigating the effects of soil pH on the activity ammonia oxidising bacteria and their production of greenhouse gases. Although she left after three and a half years without writing up, she is immensely proud that her research was published! She met her partner on a glacier in Austria and followed him to Northern Ireland where they spent the next few years in a flurry of babies and nappies.  

One fateful day, she met Arlene on a bus, and together they navigated the toddler years. Claire now home educates her two children and has a passion for ensuring that resources are clear, correct, and detailed while being accessible by as many different learners as possible. She found that she was remaking resources for her children all the time, often because the graphics and design were interfering with the communication of the learning message. She has launched TopicTeach with Arlene to provide interesting yet straightforward resources for topic-based learning. 



Introducing Arlene…


Arlene began her freelance writing career as a temporary way to fund University, and never stopped. Over the past fifteen years, she has worked on everything from novels to marketing copy but a few years back began to specialise in medical writing and educational content. She mostly writes textbooks and history guides. She is passionate about local history and archaeology and spends her weekends exploring historic sites with her partner and two children.

With a busy den of Cub Scouts and Beavers to wrangle, Arlene’s role as a Scout Leader brings her into contact with a wide range of children with different learning styles, personalities, and needs. This experience has inspired her to join Claire to launch TopicTeach with the aim of creating accessible, engaging content for the whole family. She hopes that the many lessons learned together in supporting each other through the tougher moments of parenthood will help them along the way.

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